Monday, February 11, 2008

Do Clinton and Obama differ on foreign policy?

One route towards a positive answer:

...the kind of people the next president appoints to top positions in national defense, intelligence, and foreign affairs is critical. Such officials usually emerge from among a presidential candidate’s team of foreign policy advisors. So, analyzing who these two finalists for the Democratic presidential nomination have brought in to advise them on international affairs can be an important barometer for determining what kind for foreign policies they would pursue as president,
writes Stephen Zunes. Click here to read the remainder of his illuminating article.

1 Comment:

Graham Parsons said...

Relatedly, see the latest post at the Global Affairs blog on the view of Obama in South and Southeast Asia. Around the world he is seen through a racial prism unlike that in the US and this would (positively?) effect his reception on the world stage.

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