Friday, February 22, 2008

Perhaps a light at the end of the tunnel

Finally, some good news coming out of the Justice Department. The New York Times reports that the internal ethics office (you mean one exists?!), the Office of Professional Responsibility, at the DOJ is investigating its own justification for waterboarding.

Yes, that means you Messrs. Yoo, Bybee and Bradbury--jointly the authors, instigators and primary facilitators of various legal documents aiming to justify torture of enemy combatants. Too bad the OPR's reach doesn't extend to David Addington, Cheney's chief legal goon.

Of course, we shouldn't get our hopes up too high that anyone actually will be reprimanded or, gasp!, disbarred. But, it's still a good day.

Click here for information on the Office of Legal Counsel, that dark place where, at least during the Bush administration, justice goes to die.


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